Let your imagination shine by doodling these 14 magical fairy tale creations! Whether you love cute unicorns, amazing castles or adorable dragons, these whimsical drawing tutorials unlock your inner storyteller.
All artwork in this article is original. Feel free to use it as drawing inspiration.
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Sometimes when you are drawing the best thing is to just keep it simple. A doodle can be just as satisfying as doing a detailed sketch.

Give your characters a smile, like this cheeky dragon has. It will help bring your characters to life.

Try to stretch your imagination by drawing different characters in different positions. You can even draw them holding something like with this wizard and his staff.

Mythical animals make great subjects, because you can draw them any way you want to. Let your imagination run wild.

A happy smiling frog always brings a smile to my face. Turning him into a prince with a crown just adds a finishing touch.

Every fairy tale should have a princess or two. Try creating a whole family with different characters.

Wherever there is a princess, there will be a prince somewhere. think about proportions but they don’t need to be realistic. Making the head of the prince larger and filling it with a smile just makes this young prince look cute.

A fairytal castle will give you a great background to place your characters in.
Treasure Chest

You can easily draw a treasure chest closed like this, but you could make it more challenging by drawing it with an open lid and filling it with treasures.
Mushroom House

You can turn turn one thing into another with a little imagination. This mushroom becomes a house simply by adding a door and some windows.

Mermaids are great fun to draw. You can make them as simple or complicated and detailed as you want. You can see here, the doodle doesn’t need to be complicated.
Magic Wand

Add a magic wand like this to the wizard you have drawn. You can easily replace the staff in his hand with a wand.

Mythical creatures can take on any shape you want. I gave this unicorn wings to add something to its character.

Drawing an elf is just like drawing any other face. A smile can speak a thousand words.