No, finger tattoos will never last as long as tattoos done on other parts of the body. They fade much faster. This is because the skin on our hands is replaced as it is worn away as we use, wash and dry our hands so often. All skin is gradually replaced, but certain areas are replaced faster than others. Elbows are another area that tattoos will wear quickly on.
Because we use our hands constantly the skin wears away and is replaced much faster than most other areas of the body. Every time you wash or dry your hands the layers of skin that wear away take a little ink with them until there is little or no ink left on the skin.
We wash and dry our hands multiple times every day and each time this is done part of the epidermis is removed. New layers of skin are produced all the time, so the ink will gradually rise from the lower layers up to the surface.
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Will finger tattoos fade completely?
In time yes, finger tattoos will wear away completely. If looked after you can make them last longer but in time they will need re-doing or the ink will gradually fade. The constant movement of the fingers stretches the skin and to keep elastic the layers of skin are constantly replaced.
The skin on the hands also has a much thinner dermis layer. This means that however good the tattoo artist is they cannot leave as much ink in the layer of skin that holds the ink.

Is it a good idea to get a tattoo on your finger?
No, finger tattoos will never last long. Any details will quickly fade and blur. This is because the skin on the hands is used so much and replaced all the time as it is damaged. This means no finger tattoo will last very long.
Infections can also be a problem. Our hands are the area most in contact with any external source of bacteria. The hands are also one of the slowest areas of the body to heal. While the tattoo is healing, bacteria have an easy way in to the body. These things mean that you are more likely to get an infection in a hand tattoo than with a tattoo on any other area of the body. You will need to be especially conscious of hygeine during the four week period that the tattoo is healing.
Also, however U.V. Resistant the ink is, the hands are more open to the sun and the U.V. Rays will also increase the fading of the ink.
It will hurt
Another issue is that our hands are among the areas of the body with the highest concentration of nerve cells. This means that they are more sensitive to pain. The nerve receptors are very densely packed on the hands and fingers. This is because they are often the first areas to touch anything that is potentially dangerous. As such, the pain receptors have been historically important to keep us alive.
Tattoos may have become more common and accepted in most countries, but visible tattoos can affect your work life. In many industries they are still frowned on and if a tattoo is visible in work clothing, it may affect your chances of progression or promotion.
One last thing to add. If you are asking yourself ‘Should I get a finger tattoo’ then it shows you aren’t 100% sure. Personally, I would say that if you aren’t 100% sure about any tattoo, then you shouldn’t have it done. Remember you will have the tattoo a long time. Always think long and hard to make sure you make the right decision.

How do I keep my finger tattoo from fading?
You can never stop a finger tattoo from fading, but you can slow the fading process down. Keeping your hands moisturised will mean each layer of the skin lasts longer. This will extend the life of the tattoo. Only wash your hands when you really need to will help too. When you dry them, pat them dry rather than rubbing them with the towel.
Anything that moisturises and protects the skin or cuts down exfoliation will help to extend the life of the tattoo. Good skin care will extend the life of any tattoo. Natural oils like Shea Butter Cocoa Butter or plant extracts like Aloe Vera are usually a great way to help keep your skin in good condition.